- | Cake Tools and Reviews!

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The Charmander cake is definitely my new favourite cake I’ve made!  The kids loved it!  My husband took a pretty great shot of the final cake, but for the progress pics, my camera had broken, so I had to use my phone to take pictures, and it’s not really the best phone for taking pictures.  I still wanted to document the process though!

First, I baked two sheet cakes, and then made a two layered cake.  Then, I drew on a piece of paper the basic outline of the head and body that I wanted to cut out.  I cut out the shape on paper first, and put the paper on the cake.  I cut out the outline of the body.  (I missed this pic, but you’ll see me do it again for the tail.  But in the pic below you can see in the background what I carved off when I did just the outline).  Once I had the outline, I started carving.  The aim with the head was to make

Then did the same thing for the tail.  I drew what I thought the outline would be on a piece of paper with a pencil.  I cut it out, and put it on the left over cake, and cut out the outline.