- – Blogito ergo sum.

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Blogito ergo sum.

I consider myself very, very fortunate.  I have a great life.  I have the best wife anyone could hope for, two beautiful kids, and a nice house to live in.  Both my wife and I are gainfully employed, which means we want for nothing.  We make enough money to pay the bills… even the unexpected ones… and have some left over so that we can take the kids (or just my wife and I if we need the getaway) on vacation every once in a while.  Those of you out there who somewhat resemble my situation need to really repe

I was deep in the throws of work yesterday when my cell phone rang.  It was my wife calling me to ask me if I could pick up our son from school so that she could get my daughter from daycare and then immediately hit the grocery store which was right across the street.  I said no problem and then went about finishing my day’s work before leaving to pick him up.