c4ev3.github.io - c4ev3

Example domain paragraphs

c4ev3 is a software package for programming stock-firmware LEGO® Mindstorms® EV3 in C/C++. The package contains a C API that exposes the hardware capabilities of the device, an uploader able to transmit the compiled binaries over WiFi/Bluetooth/USB and an Eclipse Plugin that integrates the two components into an easy-to-use development environment. Binaries only provided for Windows. Source build works on Windows (MinGW), Linux and Mac OS X.

Just run the c4ev3 installer. It includes the ARM GCC toolchain, Eclipse plugin and all the needed library headers and files. In Eclipse, File → New → Project . Choose Project type as "Hello World EV3 Project" and "Cross ARM/EV3 GCC" as the toolchain. Project can be run via the EV3 → Upload and run menu entry. If you want to run the executable later again, you can find it on the EV3 under SD_Card/myapps/ ... Happy programming!

In order to compile C/C++ applications you will need the arm-none-linux-gnueabi or arm-linux-gnueabi GCC (Both are the same thing). The symlink_cross.sh script with the ev3duder can be used to symlink the latter to the former.