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C2 Overland ☰ Trailer Rig Gear Trailer Rig Gear o o·ver·land /ˈōvərˌland/ adjective 1. traveling done by land. “an overland trade route” adverb 2. by land. “she journeyed overland” verb BRITISH 3. travel a long distance over land. “they left the ship and overlanded to Coolgardie”

Welcome to C2 Overland Overlanding is a combination of remote travel, off-roading and camping, usually involving long distance travel to remote locations that may have little or no prior exploration. These excursions could last for weeks or even months at a time without help from the outside world.

REQUIREMENTS Overlanding can broaden your understanding of the world and other cultures and will help you develop mental toughness and resilience. While challenging, it connects you to nature like nothing else, so get out there and enjoy the journey!