- Bytica | Commentary by Sluggo

Description: Commentary by Sluggo

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ONE OF MY FAVORITE recent videogame surprises was 2015’s Life is Strange . I went into the five-episode adventure not expecting much, and was rewarded with an unexpectedly moving story of a teenage girl who suddenly discovers she can rewind time in small doses. One minute, Max Caulfield is trying to deal with the mean girls of her private Oregon academy, the next she’s having weird visions of her town being destroyed in a freak storm while trying to solve the mystery of a missing student. Twin Peaks and Deg

A sequel was inevitably announced, but I was a little disappointed to hear it would feature a new cast of characters, rather than continue Max’s story. If I had any major complaints with Life is Strange , it was that the two main endings were a little unsatisfying, something I hoped a sequel might address. Instead, for those of us looking to journey back to Blackwell Academy, there’s Before the Storm , a prequel series focusing on the backstory of Max’s friend Chloe. The third and final episode released jus

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