butterflychildamothersjourney.com - Silvia Corradin Author

Description: Silvia Corradin Author of books related to Pregnancy Loss and Epidermolysis Bullosa

books (16650) author (9423) pregnancy loss (50) stillborn (27) epidermolysis bullosa (13)

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From Molly Holm:

Butterfly Child was a book I did not want to finish because it was so good! Though it depicts much of the pain and challenges that come with raising a child with EB, the author, his mother, wrote a beautiful and inspiring story of their lives and her personal struggles. In the end, her realizations, which she shares so honestly, are uplifting and full of hope. She really is an amazing mother and I hope many people read this book in support of her and all the families who give every last bit of themselves to

From Caarolyn E. Lemcool: I have followed Nicky’s story for a few years now. He is a brave and courageous young man for all he has through during his life. Him and his Mom get discouraged once in a while but they always rise above it with faith and positive thoughts. I am so honored to have the book Butterfly Child. I pray it brings enough awareness to this disease so that more research is done to help find a cure or stop its progression.