burrowsandbadgers.com - Burrows & Badgers - the skirmish miniatures game of anthropomorphic animals

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Burrows & Badgers is a tabletop skirmish game of anthropomorphic animals that takes place in the Kingdom of Northymbra, a realm populated by mice, badgers, moles, toads, and numerous other beasts. The rule book published by Osprey Games contains all the information you will need in order to play games of Burrows & Badgers, as well as background information, details on creating your own warband, and how to run a campaign. In Burrows & Badgers, the opposing factions – known as warbands – are made up of metal

Your tabletop becomes part of the Kingdom of Northymbra, the scene of the action, with ruined buildings, haunted forests, and misty marshes where the skirmishes and battles happen. The aim of the game is to defeat your opponent, while keeping your characters alive and developing their skills and abilities. How you do this will vary from game to game, as you play through different scenarios, over the course of an extended campaign. Will your band of courageous animals survive to become legendary heroes? That


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