burntsugarindex.com - Welcome - Burnt Sugar The Arkestra Chamber

Description: Co-led by Greg Tate & Jared Michael Nickerson, Burnt Sugar the Arkestra Chamber is a band that plays across the experimental soul-jazz-hip hop spectrum.

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BURNT SUGAR THE ARKESTRA CHAMBER is a territory band, a neo-tribal thang, a community hang, a society music guild aspiring to the condition of all that is molten, glacial, racial, spacial, oceanic, mythic, antiphonal and telepathic.

“A multiracial jam army that freestyles with cool telekinesis between the lustrous menace of Miles Davis’ On The Corner, the slash-and-om of 1970s King Crimson, and Jimi Hendrix’ moonwalk across side three of Electric Ladyland.” – David Fricke, Rolling Stone.

All our love to Chaka Khan, Nina Simone, George Clinton and the P-funk All Stars, Lady Day, Miles Davis, Eddy Hazel, A.R. Kane, Sun Ra, Jimi Hendrix, Duke Ellington and Betty Davis for opening the gates of paradise and pushing us through.

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