burghamparkgolfclub.co.uk - Home - Burgham Park Golf Club

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The course is open

After this morning's inspection 27.07.23, the bunkers are back in play. On Tuesday 1st August the Greens will be getting Pencil Tined and a light top dressing will be applied. There will be little to no disruption to the Green surface (Weather Depending)

Welcome to Burgham Park Golf Club. Our course, now over 25 years old, has matured into one of the finest courses in Northumberland. A championship parkland course, we are located in the lovely Northumberland countryside, 20 minutes from Newcastle, a few miles north of Morpeth, just off the A1 – and we promise you a very warm welcome. The course has panoramic views of the Simonside hills to the west and the coast to the east and is in beautiful rolling countryside. It provides a challenging round for all abi

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