- Build 26 Test Server

Description: Build 26 test server is now being tested.

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Build 26 Test Server Build 26 Test Server now being tested. Today is September 5, 2007.

A keyword with high Value Demand and Real Supply will have the same Profitability number as a keyword with proportionately lower Demand and Supply. But understand the different nature of this. It will be harder to rank in the Top 10, but if you do manage it, the rewards are far greater. With "lower Demand-Supply" word, you are more likely to be able to make less money.

A good site has a wide range of topics and does not chase only the highest Demand keywords. Be patient. You will gain traffic first for the easier (low Supply) words. Build 26 Blog Everything we do on Build 26 shows up here. What is a keyword? What is a keyword? Good question! That term puzzles small business people new to e-commerce. So let's blow away the fog... Best keywords Best keywords--that depends on your Site Concept (your site's overall theme or niche), something you choose during DAY 2. The best