- Brussels Jazz Alert

Description: Brussels Jazz Alert is the new platform on which you can discover upcoming talent from the Brussels jazz scene.

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If you're looking for a platform to discover new, upcoming jazz talent, you’ve come to the right place. Every month, Brussels Jazz Alert puts the spotlight on a different band, in various ways. Listen to the podcast , directly from the band’s rehearsal space and get a unique look behind the scenes. Get to know the band and their favourite places in Brussels through the pictures of Monday Jr. Discover the records that inspired the band, dive into their musical taste and find more than you were looking for. E

You have a musical project of your own and would love to be part of Brussels Jazz Alert? View the conditions here .

Brussels Jazz Alert is an initiative of the Brussels Jazz Weekend, an annual city festival that welcomes 200 000 visitors in the capital. During the last weekend of May, you're treated to more than 200 free concerts: from lively open-air performances to intimate gigs in bars, clubs and restaurants. Brussels Jazz Alert is possible thanks to our partners Sabam for Culture, the National Lottery and the Brussels Capital Region.