- Silly Mama Quilts

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hello Monday! well, hello there! I am sure y’all wondered if I was still around…. sorry, life has been full of too much drama and coming on to blog was just a bit more than I could manage… let’s just say moms of special needs kids are amazing!! now back to the above picture…. if […]

hello Monday! just thought I would check in…life has been full of not fun drama… we do have some new babies on the horizon for family and a close friend….which always means to me that it’s time to make a baby quilt! so off I went to my local quilt shop…fell in love with this […]

hello Monday! so….here you are…the trip around the world memory quilt top… well, in this picture the blocks still needed to be sewn together…. for the back, I used a black plaid with a 10 inch strip of a favorite comforter the recipient loved as a child… this project now goes to a friend for […]