- ~~How could you leave the stage in the middle of your song?~~ - Brittany Rebecca Helton

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How adorable is this one?

This memorial is dedicated to the beautiful but short life of Brittany Rebecca Helton. Please join us in celebrating her life and all the ways she touched each and every one of us.

After 33 hours of labor, and being 3 weeks late, Brittany Rebecca Helton was born on July 3, 1991 in Las Vegas, Nevada to Stacey (Helton) Ackermann. She departed us on August 4, 2010, 1 month after her 19th birthday. She has 3 sisters (Ashley, Sheridan and Tristann) who loved and adored her very much. She also leaves behind her brother in law, Jeff,  and her grandparents, Sue and Mike White and Albert Foulkrod. She is never far from our thoughts and will never leave our heart.