- - A Community Archive for The Law of One

Description: Bring4th is L/L Research's official social community site to exchange ideas and discuss The Law of One principles.

2012 (480) channeling (412) ra (271) wanderers (21) the law of one (6) jim mccarty (6) q'uo (1) carla rueckert (1) don elkins (1) the confederation of planets (1)

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Update: As of August 5, 2022, the Bring4th forums have been converted to a permanent read-only archive. If you were a member of the forums and you want to reach out to a fellow member, PM access will remain open until September 1. If you would like to continue your journey with Bring4th, you can find its newest incarnation at . You can find the original announcement for this event below.

To the members of the Bring4th Forums:

Thank you for everything you've contributed here. From 2008 onward, the forums have threaded into our own journeys in varied and deeply meaningful ways. Whether from the substance of members' posting or the ever-complicated social dynamics of groups, we have learned a great deal about the Law of One and about people, ourselves included. We've laughed, cried, lost sleep, become stressed, found illumination, expanded our horizons of understanding, and many times found gratitude in our hearts fo

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