- Holotropic Breathwork | Brigitte Grof |

Description: Das HOLOTROPE ATMEN ist eine Synthese aus alten spirituellen Techniken und den Erkenntnissen der modernen Bewußtseinsforschung. Diese tiefe Form der Selbserfahrung macht es möglich, alte Wunden zu heilen

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Holotropic breathwork is a synthesis of ancient spiritual techniques and the findings of modern consciousness research. It was developed by Stan and his late wife Christina Grof at the Esalen institute in Big Sur, California in 1974. This deep form of self-experience makes it possible to heal old wounds and rediscover the spiritual dimension of being. Deep breathing and music create a nonordinary state of consciousness in which unprocessed elements from the life history can be integrated, an encounter with

Bodywork, mandala drawing and group discussions support the integration of the experiences.

During a weekend seminar, each person is given the opportunity to experience one breathing session as breather and one session as sitter.

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