- Brett Blair | The Creator's Toy Chest

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Brett Blair is the founder and owner of which has the largest subscriber base of any sermon and worship prep service in the world. The website offers annual memberships and clergy from all denominations and 90 different countries utilize the service. An email newsletter currently reaches 75,000 ministers. Brett served as a pastor in the United Methodist Church for 13 years before turning his attention to writing and editing full time. A graduate of Yale Divinity School Brett has auth

Coming in the Spring 2018 is an eight part series of children’s books called: The Creator’s Toy Chest. The first four books retell Old Testament stories in a bedtime reading format that is memorable and timeless. Four more books and The Kid’s Bible will be released in 2019. Look for these exciting titles from Baker Publishing in your favorite book stores.

In addition to the M.Div., Brett has an M.A. and B.A. in New Testament Literature. He has worked in Radio and TV before responding to the call to ministry. While serving in a rural church in Tennessee during the advent of the internet in the 90s, Brett realized this medium could be a powerful tool to resource pastors in ways never before possible. Since then has broadened its offerings to include biblical commentary and dictionary (by Baker Publishing), multimedia, stewardship, and children’s re