- We Have Brass In The Plaque! | Defend our right to defend our lives!

Description: Defend our right to defend our lives!

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Since the time that we had bills stuck in committee, that would have given the plaque a place of prominence by the capitol, most of our allies in the legislature have found other work, and the 2023 majority seems to be spending more time maligning individual rights than celebrating them.

The plaque is in a safe place, but there is a need to make a new box, and mount it onto a new trailer for display purposes. These were never intended to be permanent, and have deteriorated over the decades. If you can help, please contact Scotty Boman at [email protected] (that’s me) and I will pass your contact information onto the keeper of the plaque.

Likewise, contact me if you believe you know some sympathetic legislators that would be willing to offer us a pathway to put it on long-term display on capital grounds, or the Michigan Historical Museum, please contact me.