- The Chanclers

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Bangkok. We find ourselves here, once more, waiting it out for another baby to be born into our family. Third time around, and yet each time has been so very different. We've stayed in different places for each birth. The equivalent of a hotel for Eden's birth. A lonely secluded apartment for Caleb's birth. And this time, a guesthouse/apartment, where the kids have almost constant playmate companions.  Waiting on a baby to be born when you're surrounded by tropical banana trees, friends, warm weather, play

Dinanuary came to an early halt this year as we left on the 26th for sunny Thailand and began our wait for Benjamin's arrival. And really, I wasn't all that sad for the month of dinosaurs to come to an end. Turns out, my creative juices really stop flowing around the 8 month of pregnancy!! So the dinos did a whole lot of simple stuff like puzzles, coloring pictures, rousing games of Candy Land, etc. But I did find it within myself to make a mess of my kitchen just once more. I was fully prepared to be scrap

Pregnancy is special all the same, no matter if it's your 4th or your 17th. But lets just be real and say that when it's your 4th go around, sometimes those weekly belly pictures get lost between homeschool, potty training, cooking and cleaning, and bandaging scraped knees...(amongst a host of other things.) So here I am 34 weeks into being pregnant with this precious little one and finally posting a growing belly picture here on the ole blog. I wish it was a fancy one. I wish it wasn't just taken with my c