- Brain-Boy | MediTECH Electronic GmbH

Description: Schulerfolg durch Gehirnjogging - nicht nur bei LRS = Lese-und Rechtschreibproblemen (Legasthenie) bietet das Training um den Brain-Boy gute Trainings-Chancen!

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Example domain paragraphs

School success by brain jogging- Brain-Boy does not only offer training opportunieties for children with reading and writing problems (dyslexia), it also helps the successful school students to improve their performance.

 Children with learning problems or dyslexia do almost anything - usually with very little success. Even intensive practice does not help much. Regular spelling learning is of little help in everyday life if, for example, individual sounds such as d and g cannot be easily distinguished, especially in a noisy classroom. The solution: playful training of important basic skills with the Brain-Boy. Switch faster, understand better: Intelligent brain performance training can improve key skills for the confident

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