- Braaksma Design Inc.

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As a public artist, Carolyn Braaksma has been creating large-scale public art commissions for more than 20 years. After graduating from Metropolitan State College in Denver with a degree in fine art, Braaksma attended welding school and became a welder for an iron erection crew. Braaksma realized the potential of concrete as an art material. While doing graduate work at the U of Minnesota, she found out that public art offered a special opportunity to integrate art, familiar construction materials, sites wi

As a well-established artist, Braaksma specializes in integrating public art into large-scale infrastructure projects, using familiar materials and stretching construction processes that are fundamental to the projects. Her projects have included enhancements for highway infrastructure projects as well as works that incorporate outdoor paving, indoor floors, seating, wall enhancements and landscaping.

Design for wall and bridge treatments integrated with  construction for Charlotte Area Transit System LYNX Blue Line Extension project.