- ABOUT — Boy Drinks Ink

Description: Writing, Art, Entertainment website by Vancouver artist Nik Dobrinsky. HipHop, Poetry, Comic Strips, Music, Movies, Reviews, Essays, and more.

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Writing, Art, Entertainment website by Vancouver artist Nik Dobrinsky. HipHop, Poetry, Comic Strips, Music, Movies, Reviews, Essays, and more.

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Boy Drinks Ink is the brainchild of Vancouver-based writer, rapper, comedian, and comic strip artist Nik Dobrinsky. The title Boy Drinks Ink is an anagram of Nik Dobrinsky , representing an alternate dimension version of Nik and his creative vision. The animated figure of The Boy is a projection of the artist himself. And as BEAT NIK, he explores a HipHop persona through numerous videos and audio recordings on the website. While essentially a portfolio, Boy Drinks Ink is also a work of art in and of itself,