- Bourbon And Branch NYC - Index

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The Branch Water; A nod to the Southern traditions of drinking a “Bourbon and Branch,” which refers to the small streams, or branches, that deliver the water used by Bourbon distillers. The idea is to add a little bit of that same water to the finished spirit to make a clean, refreshing drink that retains the essence of the whiskey.

The Bourbon & Branch Cocktail: 2 ounces whiskey, 4 ounces branch water Branch water is preferable if filtered, removing iron from the water. Iron would discolor the Bourbon. Kentucky Bourbon is made with limestone-filtered water. Because part of the state of Kentucky sits on an ancient limestone aquifer, it is known as the world’s Bourbon capital. Limestone-filtered water is also very smooth on the palate and thus is the perfect mixer for Bourbon. Nowadays, Branch is simply a term many Bourbon drinkers use

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