- Borger Primitive Baptist Church

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How often do we hear in this age and time “I don’t have time for Church”? And yet in our relationship with God and his son we deceive ourselves, if we think that we can do without that precious kinship. Our Lord told us in Matthew 6:33 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.” It’s not just preacher talk or that kind of nonsense that you might get from grandpa. The Lord meant what he said.

You want a better life? Seek ye first the kingdom of God. You want a better job? Seek ye first the kingdom of God. You want a better marriage? Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Do you need to find peace in your life? Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Want to be a better man, woman, friend, and helpmate? Do you need help with the stress of this life? The Lord meant what he said….“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.” May the Lord bless you is ou

Canyon Primitive Baptist Church