- Bored But Busy – A bored housewife jousts at windmills, pokes fun at everything from leg wax to Miss Manners.

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A bored housewife jousts at windmills, pokes fun at everything from leg wax to Miss Manners.

Remember back in the day, circa 19 something or other when people wore bracelets to remind them of how to live their lives? Now many of those people have fitbits. Same thing really. Anyway, one of the popular slogans on those was WWJD? – an acronym for What Would Jesus Do? It looked jazzy in …

Visit Three Considering the phone call pep talk I received over the weekend, it’s likely I’m going to get bad news.  I ask Murly if I can bring my husband back with me.  I’ve asked him to join me this time.  I suggest that since I’m getting results, maybe he and I could talk to …