- B/ORDERS IN MOTION Summer School

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The digital summer school “Borders and Migration in Digital Times” offers international students an opportunity to explore how policies and practices of border demarcation and migration management are influenced and changed by the availability and use of digital technologies. This thematic focus corresponds with the dual observation that, on the one hand, the management and control of migration as well as the protection of state borders against irregular migration are increasingly supported by digital infra

Here you will see soon the result of the different workgroups.

For this year’s digital summer school of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, 35 international participants have been selected, coming from various countries of the world, such as Australia, India, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Morocco, the USA and Mexico, as well as from a number of European countries such as Sweden, the Netherlands, the UK, Poland, Germany, Italy, Malta, Spain.