- A Common Reader

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Now at A Common Reader There will be no more posts or comments here

Time trickles with the kerosene lamp's faint hissing. Old equipemnt rattles and creaks in the silence. Besides me in the depths of the room there are the shadows, pointy, crooked in shard, who skulk and cheme. They stretch out their long necks and peer over my shoulder. I don't turn around. Why should I? As soon as I look they'll all quiet down again in their own place, just a floorboard somewhere will groan, the old wardrobe will creak. Everything will go back to the way it was before. Unchanged. And silen

It has been a busy year, so I'll take this opportunity to apologize for staying mostly silent. We have been incredibly fortunate and blessed this year in spite of everything that 2020 managed to throw at the world. What could be called my 'workload' multiplied this year with caretaking a friend's property, but it has been fun and educational. My reading suffered because of the extra work, but I hope to post soon on several books I think others would enjoy. In addition, part of the silence came from things I