- Gourmet Frozen Cookie Dough and Breakfast Items | Bonzers®

Description: Bonzers® offers a wide variety of options for all of your cookie and breakfast program needs. Every product is made with premium quality ingredients, is zero grams trans fat and certified kosher.

frozen cookie dough (2) michael's cookies (1) bonzers (1) reduced fat cookies (1) whole grain cookies (1) all-natural breakfast bonzer (1) all-natural bonzer bar (1) k12 cookies (1) foodservice cookies (1) retail cookies (1)

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We take making cookies, well...seriously!

Our goal is to produce food so good that it's the closest our customers can come to fresh-from-the-oven homemade. It may not lead to world peace but what better way to evoke a sense of comfort, love, and happiness than a delicious warm cookie?

Whether we're making cookies destined for the restaurant around the corner, the store you stop by on your way home from work, or the delicious treat on a child's tray at school, we're passionate about what we do.

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