- Bonaparte (DVI)

Description: Bonaparte DVI, A next generation Disaster Victim Identification system for large scale incidents.

dna (824) disaster (591) victim (135) dvi (87) bonaparte (31) allele (14) genotype (12) dna identification (2) forensic dna research (2) smart research (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Nowadays DNA based Missing Person identification programs become more and more significant. These programs can differ greatly in what is being investigated; ranging from war victims or still unidentified victims of historic disasters (such as the 1953 North Sea Flood in the Netherlands) to contemporary (international) missing person cases. These investigations do not even always have to involve Unidentified Human Remains (UHR), missing person programs can also be applied for Family Reunifications in order t

What these programs have in common is that these are usually long running programs that involve voluntarily provided DNA profiles. Because of this, appropriate security measures must be in place to ensure that these profiles are only used for their intended purpose.

Bonaparte′s advanced algorithms are especially suited to deal with these complex cases. For historic investigations complexity might arise out of the fact that a lot of unknown data and/or degraded DNA is involved. The security features of Bonaparte provide protection against the misuse of the voluntarily provided DNA profiles, and ensure only authorized users can work with these.