- Bollywood Hindi film songs singing lessons | Indian movies dance classes | Online acting lessons theatre drama school

Description: GAALC school of performing arts offers Bollywood Hindi movies popular film dance songs training lessons online, singing Hindi film songs training classes and Hindi movies acting TV drama theatre training programs online through Skype

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Bollywood Dance is a rich combination, choreography & performance of popular global dance styles & Indian dance forms - classical & folk , on pre-composed songs and music genres. Learn Bollywood dancing step-by-step with GAALC online dance lessons.

Bollywood acting is a rich blend & performance of all the nine emotions , Indian Abhinay Navrasas , including Shringar, Hasya , Veer, Karuna , Raudra, Bhayanak, Vibhatsya, Adbudh & Shanti. Learn, live the navrasas with GAALC online acting lessons on Skype / Google.

A rich fusion of composed lyrics , creative global music genres & magic of voice to match the emotions makes the music alive in the hearts forever. Learn to sing the favorite Bollywood movies film songs with GAALC online singing lessons on Skype.

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