- Jan Bogutzki

Description: Ich blogge über den akteullen Stand meiner Projekte, das Thema Umwelt, sowie verschiedenste Ereignisse.

online (32895) blog (28598) php (15797) energie (3390) wasser (2148) umwelt (1569) sparen (988) maxxf (6)

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I used the holidays to change the layout of from a pure static design over to a responsive one. I hope you enjoy the “new” design and use the site also on devices with a lower screen resolution.

If you are using Varnish on Port 80 and Apache on, lets say, port 88, you could run into the problem, that Apache redirects you to the Apache port, while calling a URL that is a folder. weiterlesen »

There is a new function on available: strip_tags weiterlesen »

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