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I'm currently a Senior Lecturer at University of Portsmouth where I'm a co-director of the Software Enginering BSc degree programme. I focus on undergraduate teaching and also supervise Master's & PhD Students. Supervision If you're funded and looking for a supervisor for your PhD, MSc or undergraduate topic I am happy to discuss your ideas. Please drop me a line . Themes that I find particularly interesting include:

Projects I have supervised… Postgraduate 2018-2024, PhD, An Exploration of the Perceived Subjective Weighting of Naturally Occurring Visual Artefacts in Video 2018-2019, MSc, Designing Better Systems: A DevSecOps Pilot Study 2010-2016, PhD, Semantic Web Examiner of Emergent Phenomena 2010-2011, MSc, A Study of User Trust 2010-2011, MSc, Critical Thinking Tool 2009-2010, MSc, Google Wave - For Learning 2009-2010, MSc, Design and development of a Portal Undergraduate 2019-2020 Maintenance issue tracking syste

This unit enables students to acquire application development skills for this dynamic web using the ubiquitous approach of standards-based web development, data design and storage. Out of necessity the unit will track the research interests of its lecturers and therefore cover emerging technologies and draft standards in order to introduce the volatile nature of the subject matter and prepare students for evaluating such technologies in future academic or professional roles.

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