- Royal 21 (XXI) King Weight Loss System

Description: The Royal 21 King Weight Loss System is the most advanced weight management system available! It is designed to boost your metabolism all day and night!

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"I wanted to be healthy and be able to run around and play with my kids without running out of breath. So I set some goals, but kept failing on my own. The Bliss Go Pack makes the work I do pay off by burning fat, keeping my appetite away, and it gives me a ton of energy to play with my kids even after a long day at work. So far I've lost 34lbs and 20 inches!"

I am a 30-year-old mom of 3 boys. After I had my 2nd son, I was diagnosed with pre-cervical cancer and was told to get having anymore kids out of the way, so we made the choice to get pregnant again and 2 years later we had our third baby. I wanted to be healthy and to be able to run around and play with my kids without running out of breath.