- The Blueprinting Private Room - The AIM Institute

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Welcome! This page will help you learn more about New Product Blueprinting, with resources not found on our public pages . That’s because we’ve created many advanced Blueprinting practices we like to keep just between ourselves and our clients. Please share this page—which is blocked to search engines—only with trusted colleagues.

The following 34 minute module provides excerpts on Discovery interviews. Of course, this is only a small portion of our training on New Product Blueprinting. But it shows how B2B suppliers can use highly-respectful peer-to-peer interviews to “go deeper” than with traditional VOC. We don’t believe new clients should have to “guess” at the rest of our training… so feel free to request access to the 15-30 minute online modules* that all learners receive.

Most companies start training their employees using the “Team” plan training program: See matrix at the bottom of . This provides the following: