- Blueprinting for Sales - The AIM Institute

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Have you been asked by a colleague to set up a New Product Blueprinting Discovery interview with a customer or prospect? You probably have some questions…

New Product Blueprinting lets B2B suppliers develop better products and services by helping them “go deeper” than other voice-of-customer methods… in highly respectful peer-to-peer interviews. Two rounds of interviews are typically included: a qualitative Discovery interview followed by a quantitative Preference interview. We’ve condensed days of training into the following 34 minute module to give you the key principles and practices…

We’ve already heard the most common questions from customers… and have included the answers in this one-page website…  (available in 9 languages). Please use this two ways: 1) Review it to familiarize yourself, and 2) send the link to your customer so they can get comfortable. Also, you can download  an agenda template , which you can adjust and send to your customer.

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