- Generative-AI Application Development Platform - BlueCallom

Description: Generative-AI Application Development Platform. High productivity gain, digital deployment. Zero Subscription Business Model.

Example domain paragraphs

Generative-AI-based Business Process Innovation

Essentially: Generative AI took all the data, available on the Internet up to a certain Date and organized that data, removed duplication and fake Information as good as possible, and created a massive network of encoded information. This network of innovation is turned into a neural network of currently 1,7 Trillion parameters. Those parameters can be assessed and retuned as an answers or suggestion to its users.

Complexity in modern organizations seems to have surpassed human capacity. Too often, innovation is hamstrung by the need to address legacy issues before embarking on new initiatives. Now we can regain it. The symbiosis between the human mind and artificial intelligence opens new windows every day. But to capture the opportunity we have to step out of the door.