- Bloody Good Music

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This week brings quite the eclectic mix of songs. Neal Morse - Like A Wall It looks like Neal's next album with be another religious concept album. Oh boy. This one has a 'cast' of characters, and appears to be following in the dad-rock footsteps of his recent Jesus the exorcist record. As I recall, I found that to be among the worst things Neal had ever done in his career, so I'm not exactly excited to hear more of that kind of material about a subject I'm not interested in. I didn't mind his religious stu

Two albums, two problems, one shared takeaway.

Pyramaze - Bloodlines This is another case of a band I should like, but have never been able to care for. Very similar to Dynazty in the modern power metal world, this new Pyramaze album has a lot of good things going for it. It sounds great, it's well-played, and there are a lot of really good melodies to be found throughout. There is also a duet with Melissa Bonny on the album's best song, which is both a good and bad thing. It's a great track, but it's probably not a great idea to bring in someone who ca