- Black Falcon Games | Computer and Video Game Reviews and Summaries

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————- INTRODUCTION ————-

This is a guide for how to use an old computer platform that I have had an interest in for some time now.  I wrote a Game Opinion Summaries list for some TI99 carts something like a decade ago on this site, and I covered it in Console Opinion Summaries (I should continue that series sometime…). but while I haven’t done any more articles here about the TI99 other than thise, I have added to my collection for the system and used it a fair amount.  I even have a PEB now, as of last year!

To be clear though, when I say that this guide is a beginner’s guide, I mean beginner.  This guide is for basic operation of this old, late ’70s to early ’80s computer line from the well-known chipmaker Texas Instruments.  Anyone who knows how to use the TI99, as any longtime owner surely does, won’t get anything from this guide, but for anyone who just decided to buy one for some reason or who found one at a thrift store and bought it on a whim or something like that, perhaps this guide could be useful.