- Black Ballerina Documentary

Description: Black Ballerina Documentary

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BLACK BALLERINA , tells the story of several black women from different generations who fell in love with ballet. Six decades ago, while pursuing their dreams, Joan Myers Brown, Delores Browne and Raven Wilkinson confronted racism, exclusion and unequal opportunity. Today, young dancers of color continue to face formidable challenges breaking into the overwhelmingly white world of ballet. Moving back and forth in time, this lyrical, character driven film shows how far we still have to go and stimulates a fr

Producer/Director Frances McElroy is a 2009 Pew Fellow in the Arts and 2010 Leeway Foundation Transformation Awardee. Project supporters include the National Endowment for the Arts, Women In Film and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.  BLACK BALLERINA is produced by Shirley Road Productions and distributed by American Public Television.

The DVD of BLACK BALLERINA is now available. To purchase a copy, please click to below button to go to our PayPal website. Please be aware that this is for individual home viewing. For information about educational use and study guide, please contact: [email protected] For payment by check: Shirley Road Productions 108 Shirley Road Narberth, PA 19072 USA