- BiOK – Bizkaiko enpresa erreferenteak berrikuntza sistemarekin konektatzen Erronka Teknologikoen bidez

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Connecting the reference companies of Bizkaia with the ecosystem of innovation through technological challenges.

EROSKI is one of the leading cooperative retail distribution groups of mass consumer goods and services in Europe, and an entity that is committed to open innovation as a lever for building the future of retail, with collaboration with startups, technology centres, universities, suppliers, and customers being a key element in its ways of doing things. This commitment to continuous development as a way of adapting to the expectations that its activity creates in society and among consumers drives it to colla

Information about the company MAIER, S. COOP, is a cooperative founded in 1973, located in Ajangiz. It is currently a TIER 1 supplier of components for the automotive sector and is a part of MONDRAGON. It is one of the Basque Country’s most important companies within the plastic component processing and decoration for the automotive […]