- 视为畏途网

Description: 视为畏途网

jnty体育官方 (44) 视为畏途网 (11)

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JNTY体育官方时装集团成立于2003年,总部位于浙江省德清县。经过13年的发展,已成为中国颇具影响力的集团。 JNTY体育官方时装集团的核心业务包括游泳衣、女式内衣、休闲装和其他所有针织和编织的服装,提供从设计、开发到生产的服务。 JNTY体育官方时装集团拥有8家工厂和6000名员工,拥有来自欧洲的资深知名设计师和国内优秀的设计团队,产品深得广大客户的赞誉,多年来一直畅销欧美、东南亚等地区,与众多来自欧美的世界著名品牌有着多年的良好业务关系。 ANTEX Fashion Group was established in 2003, headquartered in Deqing, Zhengjiang Province. After 13 years development, ANTEX has become a influential group in China. ANTEXs core businesses covers swimming wear, lingerie, casualwear and all other kind apparel knitted woven,

德誉贸易集团成立于2013,公司总部位于浙江省湖州莫干山高新技术产业开发区,凭借其在上海东部和杭州南部的优越地理位置,致力于进出口贸易业务,主要经营服装及纺织品、酒类、饮料类、橄榄油、保健食品等各类包装及散装食品的进出口销售。在香港、纽约和巴塞罗那设有销售办事处。 DEYU trade group, which was founded in 2013, the company is headquartered in Huzhou Moganshan High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, zhejiang province, take the advantage of his superior geographical position between east Shanghai and Hangzhou in the south, the company dedicated to the import and export trade business, mainly engaged in garment and textile, wine, beverage drin