- bitsquid: development blog

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This is a quick blog to share some of the progress Olivier Dionne and I made lately with Physical Cameras in Stingray. Our goal of implementing a solid physically based pipeline has always been split in three phases. First we validated our standard material . We then added physical lights. And now we are wrapping it up with a physical camera.

We define a physical camera as an entity controlled by the same parameters a real world camera would use. These parameters are split into two groups which corresponds to the two main parts of a camera. The camera body is defined by it's sensor size, iso sensitivity, and a range of available shutter speeds. The camera lens is defined by it's focal length, focus range, and range of aperture diameters. Setting all of these parameters should expose the incoming light the same way a real world camera would.

Stingray Representation Just like our physical light, our camera is expressed as an entity with a bunch of components. The main two components being the Camera Body and the Camera Lens. We then have a transform component and a camera component which together represents the view projection matrix of the camera. After that we have a list of shading environment components which we deem relevant to be controlled by a physical camera (all post effects relevent to a camera). The state of these shading environment

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