- Books | Digital Innovations in Oil and Gas | Geoffrey Cann

Description: A series of books about digital innovations and digital transformation in the oil and gas industry | Geoffrey Cann

digital transformation oil and gas industry (2) digital transformation oil gas (2) digital transformation upstream (2) digital transformation midstream (2) digital transformation downstream (2)

Example domain paragraphs

The debate about whether digital innovations are material to the energy industry is now well and truly over. Capital markets increasingly demand meaningful action on energy transition, and the pandemic has forced the oil and gas industry to invent new ways of working with lightening speed. And it has succeeded, with virtually no widespread interruptions in energy supply throughout the pandemic. Prices are now rebounding with vigor as society accelerates out of its The question now is how to accelerate the i

David Smethurst, Executive, Entrepreneur, Thought Leader—Energy and Technology

Safety and reliability in the oil and gas industry were reasons to avoid or slow-play digital transformation. The pandemic turned this assumption on its head. Now, can digital transformation help companies achieve cultural change and respond to decarbonization while still being profitable? 'Carbon, Capital, and the Cloud' weaves a practical narrative with examples across the value chain. I highly recommend Geoffrey and Ryan Cann’s reference-worthy material. Pro tip: the interview guide is a great starting p