- BiteofanApple

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Last year Adventurer's Codex reached its 8th birthday. It's a milestone that I honestly didn't believe we'd ever hit, both because eight years is a long time and because—if I'm honest—I've never been sure how long this little project would actually last.

These days Adventurer's Codex is primarily built and maintained by three people: two are founders (including myself) and the third is a friend of ours, and as with any long-lived side-project Adventurer's Codex has occasionally suffered a lack of interest or enthusiasm from all of us. At the beginning the three founders met every week (sometimes twice a week) to build new features and plan the roadmap, later we rarely met at all, and sometimes nearly a year could go by before any of us even thought about Ad

These days though the app is alive and healthy and with the support of our amazing patrons on Patreon we continue to make improvements and release features at a steady pace, and this year we're set to release a slate of amazing features that eight-years-ago-me could only dream of.