- Bismuth Conference 2020 |

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This workshop will focus on the new class of bismuth-containing semiconductors, thermoelectric materials and topological insulators. Theory, epitaxial growth and characterization (optical, electrical and structural) of these novel materials will be addressed, as well as devices devoted to applications such as low power and energy efficient photonics, electronics, photovoltaics, thermoelectrics, and spintronics. Colleagues working on other highly mismatched alloys (GeSn, GaAsN…) are welcome to submit abstrac

The goal of this workshop is to address the issues and boost the development of these emerging compounds taking benefit from the properties of bismuth. This interdisciplinary meeting gathers physicists, chemists, materials scientists, and engineers, to exchange on this very active research area, in a condensed three-day workshop.

The International Workshop on Bismuth-Containing Semiconductors is an informal workshop meeting. Founded by the participants of the Materials World Network “III-V Bismide Materials for IR and Mid IR Semiconductors”, this workshop is organized mid-July every year. The founders have continued to serve as the steering committee to guide the workshop.