- vershapatel

Description: Versha Patel coaching. Helping people achieve the impossible. Coaching clients to believe in themselves, transform their lives, and make dreams their reality. Dedicated to transforming our world one person at a time.

mental health (4432) well-being (934) nlp coaching (41) habit change (14) young people coaching mindset to health coaching overcome barriers to change happy healthy women high achieving women's health and mindset coach healthy eating behaviour change

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Do you want to transform your life for the better but have no idea where to start? Being coached by me can make the biggest positive difference on multiple levels.

One huge one is; we're more powerful and more capable when someone holds the mirror up and shows us what we've not been open to seeing or hearing before. Putting us back in the driving seat to take necessary inspired action to move towards our dreams, those impossible ones we thought were never possible for us.