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A Lymphatic Stimulation and Drainage Modality for Research Purposes Only

Most all life on earth derive their energy from the sun, or the biophotons emitted by the sun. A form of light known as photobiotic nutrition. Energy is necessary for any life form to exist and energy comes before matter. When this energy becomes disrupted, a number of physical functions can be affected. Our research and researchers have witnessed that through the use of the BioPhoton Lymphatic Stimulation Research Modality, this energy can be rebalanced and strengthened, thus alleviating and improving nume

The intelligence of each person’s body will use this nourishing and coherent energy to its highest good at any specific point in time. To an apparently well person this will mean eventual detoxification and reordering into new levels of wellness. To an unwell person this may yield periods of discomfort generally, or at specific points of weakness, while the stored stresses and toxins are being released. Remember that this stress/toxin release process seems to be an unavoidable aspect of achieving wellness a