- Patent Trademark Registration Attorney in Romania

Description: Private cabinet for registration of inventions, trademarks, patents and industrial models in Romania

romania trademark trademarks registration invention industrial p (1)

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     Private Cabinet Patent & Trademark & Design: BIONPI ® “ION RODICA COCUTA” was founded with autonomous and private organization and practice in Romania in 1999 by Managing Partner Rodica Cocuta Ion Dipl. Eng. with higher technical education and over 15 years of experience regarding to patent applications and with attestation in industrial property profession, for Trademark, Patent and Design applications, according to news IP Laws in Romania, since 1993.

The founder and manager of BIONPI, Dipl. Eng. Rodica Cocuta Ion, European Patent  Attorney registered in the professional representative List of European Patent Institute (EPI) rules the assistance and the representation of natural persons and legal entities, of any country of Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sp