- Biofinysics

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  ..this is a living document that I will update as I go.... ...I do not guarantee it is finished now or ever will be... is safe to assume I don't know what I'm talking about and am willing to learn... ..this is version 1.13; 2022-05-28 ..previous versions 1.0-1.7; 2022-05-26; 1.8-1.12 2022-05-27 ... I would like to give a special shout out to my colleague,  Karina Gutierrez-Garcia , for helping me to get started with Robetta, AlphaFold, SAVES, and some other software, links, and advice I've still not

I confess: I've been a warm body in the audience of many structural biology presentations, but my mind was elsewhere. I get it. I get it. That atom was a tricky one to place. That protein fold was unexpected, sure I guess. And that was something how the protein looked like a ball of yarn before you mutated the alanine at position 369, and still looked like a ball of yarn after. 

There were some very good protein structure presentations I've been to as well. Usually about ribosomes. When a structural biologist is also a great presenter (rare in science generally), then it becomes fascinating. Look, it's just a little machine with gears, and ratcheting mechanisms, and scissors! This part here - look how it works like a socket wrench, and this part like a circuit switch. Look how this forms the hardest material in the biological world, and this other part that makes it flexible. See t