Example domain paragraphs

September 7, 2016 Category : Uncategorized Off

Art is applying oneself to a specific theme and bringing out a masterpiece. Art doesn’t have money as a goal. It is done either as a hobby or to represent a social scenario for the betterment of the society. Design is just the opposite, it involves a lot of money and this is done for the purpose of marketing a firm in case of web design or for building purposes where in the models of the building are drawn to scale and the same is built having model as the base.

The difference between art and design may seem subtle but the above paragraph would have made everything clear. There is actually a huge gap which can never be bridged. The fundamental purpose itself varies for both. Art is for pleasing people, provide them relaxation and bring a revolutionary change in the society whereas the Design is materialistic aiming to satisfy customer’s needs and reap up huge profits by this way.