- Billy Adams

Description: I’m Billy. I’m a designer who’s just wanting a simple place to write more. I’ll be writing about technology, Jesus, coffee, sports and just living life with ...

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Colophon Reading Writing Nov 19, 2019 Credit Where Credit Is Due Having been born in 1982, I’ve always felt like an in-betweener —generationally speaking. I’ve never been as disaffected as most Gen Xers 1 I’ve known but I’ve never truly been able to identify as a Millennial. 2 I was always trying to come up with a true term to describe my generational identity and read several good ideas like “Oregon Trail Generation”. But when I read Sarah Stankorb and Jed Oelbaum’s piece describing our “Xennial” generatio

Reasonable People Disagree about the Post-Gen X, Pre-Millennial Generation

I was born in 1980. According to some sources, this makes me a Gen Xer. According to others, I’m a Millennial. That makes me what then, a Xennial? I take online quizzes, like Pew Research Center’s “How Millennial Are You?”, and land dead between Gen X and Millennial due to my personal habits, body piercings, and so many more reasons.